ZOiS in the media

Autoritäres Kasachstan: Tiefgreifende Reformen bleiben aus

Report with assessments by Beate Eschment in the Deutschlandfunk Kultur Podcast "Weltzeit" (10.03.2025)

Usbekistan nach der Diktatur – Aufbruch an der Seidenstraße

Report with assessments by Beate Eschment in the SWR podcast ‘Das Wissen’ (10/03/2025)

Eine Chance für Europa?

Interview with Gwendolyn Sasse on Deutschlandfunk Kultur (07/03/2025)

Kiew lässt sich auf Trumps Rohstoff-Deal ein: „Selenskyj will sich das Interesse der USA erkaufen“

Article with assessments by Gwendolyn Sasse in the Tagesspiegel (26/02/2025)

Europas Platz in der neuen Weltordnung – Interview mit Gwendolyn Sasse (Politologin)

Interview with Gwendolyn Sasse for Deutschlandfunk (23/02/2025)

Europa versucht, Druck aufzubauen

Radio interview with Gwendolyn Sasse for Deutschlandfunk Nova (18/02/2025)

Politologin: "Waffenstillstand in Ukraine nicht schnell umsetzbar"

Interview with Gwendolyn Sasse on rbb Inforadio (17/02/2025)

Europas Sicherheit "zertrumpelt"

Radio interview with Gwendolyn Sasse for NDR Info (16/02/2025)

Trump will mit Putin telefoniert haben: Kann er den Kremlchef zu Verhandlungen zwingen?

Guest contribution by Gwendolyn Sasse for the Tagesspiegel (10/02/2025)

Are Serbia’s student protests a tipping point?

TV interview with Ivaylo Dinev on ARTE Europe Weekly (06/02/2025)

Трагедията в Нови Сад и гневът на улицата: Защо протестите в Сърбия не стихват? Ивайло Динев пред Actualno

Video Interview with Ivaylo Dinev on actualno.com (06/02/2025

Ивайло Динев: Трагедията в Нови Сад беше капката, която преля чашата

Accessments by Ivaylo Dinev on the Bulgarian news channel novini.bg (31/01/2025)

Ще успее ли студентското недоволство в Сърбия да свали Александър Вучич или властта ще спре протеста

Radio interview with Ivaylo Dinev of the Bulgarian radio station Darik Radio (31/01/2025)

Beogradski studenti danas kreću na dvodnevni marš prema Novom Sadu

Report on the ZOiS Spotlight 2/2025 by Ivaylo Dinev on Aktuelno (30/01/2025)

Analiza Centra za istočnoevropske i međunarodne studije: Studentski revolt u Srbiji – Vučićev neprijatelj?

Article with assessments by Ivaylo Dinev for the Serbian newspaper Damas (29/01/2025)

Studentski pokret osvaja izvornom demokratijom, ali ga čekaju važne odluke

Article by Dnevni Evropski Servis about the ZOiS Spotlight by Ivaylo Dinev (29/01/2025)

Studentski pokret u Srbiji osvaja izvornom demokratijom, čekaju ga važne odluke

Article about the ZOiS Spotlight 2/2025 by Ivaylo Dinev on dijalog.net (29/01/2025)

ZOIS: Za proteste u Srbiji odlučujuće će biti naredne nedelje

Article about the ZOiS Spotlight 2/2025 by Ivaylo Dinev in the Serbian newspaper Danas (29/01/2025)

Njemački mediji: Najveća kriza vlasti u Srbiji od pada Miloševića

Report on the ZOiS Spotlight 2/2025 by Ivaylo Dinev on Aljazeera (29/01/2025)

Политолог: Сърбия е на кръстопът

TV interview with Ivaylo Dinev on the Bulgarian channel Nova TV (28/01/2025)

Сръбските студенти трябва да намерят начин да се трансформират в политическо движение

Video interview with Ivaylo Dinev for Alternativata. BG  (28/01/2025)

Russia at War – An interview with Félix Krawatzek, expert on Russia and comparative politics

Interview with Félix Krawatzek in the Podcast World Focus from Brussels (28/01/2025)

Η Σερβία σε σταυροδρόμι: θα καταφέρουν οι φοιτητικές διαμαρτυρίες να ανατρέψουν τον Βούτσιτς;

Translation of a guest contribution by Ivaylo Dinev into Greek for the Aυτολεξεί newspaper (26/01/2025)

Сърбия на кръстопът: ще успее ли студентският протест да свали Вучич | Дневник

Article by Ivaylo Dinev in the Bulgarian newspaper Дневник (24/01/2025)

Noch keine Zeitenwende in der Osteuropaforschung

Guest contribution by Gwendolyn Sasse for Table.Briefings (24/01/2025)

Russischstämmige wählten einst zu 70 Prozent CDU – jetzt geht der Trend zur AfD

Merkur reports on results of the ZOiS Report by Félix Krawatzek and Hakob Matevosyan (16/01/2025)

Press Contact

Annette Riedl

Dr. Stefanie Orphal
Communications Director
Tel. +49 30 2005949-20