
Principles of Research Ethics

Academic integrity forms the basis for trustworthy research. With its legally binding implementation of the Code of Conduct Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice, adopted by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG) in 2019, ZOiS is committed to safeguarding compliance with research standards and ensuring that its research processes are clear and transparent. In keeping with its ethos and status as a publicly funded research institute, ZOiS has a responsibility towards society to continuously scrutinise and review its own activities. In light of this, ZOiS has adopted a Research Data Policy and an Open Access Policy, which include guidelines for the responsible management of research data and for public access to its research findings.

In fulfilment of its responsibilities relating to research and the promotion of young talent, ZOiS has adopted various precautionary measures to deal with cases of academic misconduct. Researchers at ZOiS elect an independent ombudsperson, i.e. a neutral and qualified contact person who can offer advice on issues relating to inconsistencies, potential misconduct and disputes. In addition, the Academic Advisory Council elects a further ombudsperson from among its members.