Second Congress of Central and East European Studies (ceecon24) co-hosted by ZOiS
The deadline for submission in all sections has been extended to February 18!

On 7 and 8 October 2024, the German Association for East European Studies (DGO), the Freie Universität Berlin and the The Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) will host the second Congress of Central and East European Studies (ceecon24) in Berlin. ceecon is the largest multidisciplinary congress on Central and Eastern Europe in the German-speaking world. It was established in 2022 as a cooperative project of the DGO and the Freie Universität’s Institute for East European Studies (Osteuropa-Institut).
ceecon provides the international research community with an important venue for exchanging and discussing the latest research findings on the region. The congress spotlights scholarly work on the Baltic States, Central and Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia.
Academic exchange on topics relevant to all scholars in the field will take place in plenary sessions. Seven parallel sections will address research questions concerning a broad variety of topics and methodological approaches. A special session has been created for the presentation of research projects by junior scholars.
Junior researchers whose papers are accepted will be invited to compete in the Young ceecon Award for best submission. More information will be provided upon official acceptance of a proposal for the congress. Eligibility for participation in the competition is limited to junior researchers and post docs up to three years after submission of their dissertation as of the date of receipt of a ceecon proposal.
For the full call for papers and the application forms visit the ceecon website.