Prof. Dr. Regina Elsner

Prof. Dr. Regina Elsner

Regina Elsner is a theologian and was a researcher at ZOiS from 2017 to 2023. She continues to be a research affiliate at ZOiS. On 1 April 2023, she was appointed professor at the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Münster. From 1998 to 2005, she studied Catholic Theology in Berlin and Münster. Afterwards, she worked until 2010 as a project coordinator for Caritas Russia in St. Petersburg. From 2010 to 2013, she was a research associate at the Ecumenical Institute of the University of Münster, within the research stream ‘Institutions and Institutional Change in Post-Socialism’. In this context, she focused on the historical and theological aspects of the Russian Orthodox Church’s confrontation with modernity, completing her PhD on this topic in 2016. At ZOiS, Elsner is investigating the dynamics of Orthodox social ethics in Eastern Europe since the dissolution of the Soviet Union with a special focus on peace ethics and gender-related topics. She is co-speaker of the section for religion of the German Association for East European Studies and a member of the PRO ORIENTE Steering Committee for the Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue.
ZOiS projects
Externally funded project
Completed projects
Research interests
- Christian social ethics
- The Russian Orthodox Church as sociopolitical actor
- Christian churches and human rights