PD Dr. Sabine von Löwis

PD Dr. Sabine von Löwis

Sabine von Löwis studied Economic and Social Geography at the Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden) and gained a doctorate at HafenCity University in Hamburg. She has held positions at various university and non-university research institutes, working on projects on the stability and change of spatial structures in urban and rural areas. From 2011 to 2017, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre Marc Bloch, where she was involved in the joint research project Phantomgrenzen in Ostmitteleuropa (Phantom borders in East Central Europe) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Having studied the persistence and dissolution of spatial structures in Western Ukraine within this project framework, she now focuses her research on the post-Soviet space. In December 2017, Sabine von Löwis joined the research team at ZOiS, where she coordinates the research cluster Conflict Dynamics and Border Regions.
Head of research cluster
ZOiS projects
Completed ZOiS research projects
Externally funded project
Research interests
- Social geography of space and place
- Transformation, change
- Microgeographies
- Borders
- Conflict Research