MoveMeRU Research Featured in Recent Media Coverage
Our recent ZOiS report "Mit Russlandhintergrund in Deutschland", co-authored by Félix Krawatzek and Hakob Matevosyan, has been referenced in several recent media articles:
Zuwanderer als Wähler: Noch nie waren es so viele – und das kann viel verändern
Published on 27 November 2024, this article draws on the ZOiS Report by Félix Krawatzek and Hakob Matevosyan, examining the increasing number of immigrant voters in Germany and their potential to influence electoral outcomes.
Выходцы из РФ в Германии чаще других поддерживают популистов
On 8 November 2024, DW reported on the ZOiS Report, focusing on findings about voting patterns among Russian-speaking immigrants in Germany.
Erinnerung und Streit um den Zweiten Weltkrieg
In an article for dekoder, Félix Krawatzek discusses the contested memory of World War II, referencing results from our survey to explore how historical narratives shape societal debates.