Shades of Blue: Claiming Europe in the Age of Disintegration
The Weimar Plus Symposium entitled "Shades of Blue: Claiming Europe in the Age of Disintegration" will discuss the central conclusions of a book publication on current concepts of Europe, which was produced as part of a three-year research residency in Genshagen.
The failure of the EU Constitutional Treaty, the financial and economic crisis, migration movements, the UK's withdrawal from the EU, a multitude of new nationalisms fueled by the current populist boom as well as the corona pandemic and finally the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine have presented the European political project with major challenges. What political space can be developed to catch up with the centrifugal forces of these processes? The answer to this question also depends on how 'Europe' is represented in public and for the citizens of the EU. What conceptual space of possibility emerges from the conflict of such very different ideas of Europe within and between European states and regions? These questions were the subject of a three-year research residency at Genshagen Castle, the results of which are to be published in book form.
Against this background, a two-day Weimar Plus symposium entitled "Shades of Blue: Claiming Europe in the Age of Disintegration" at Schloss Genshagen will subject individual book chapters and central conclusions to critical discussion.
Participation by personal invitation only.
Organizer: Stiftung Genshagen
Partner: Centre for East European and International Studies, Berlin (ZOiS)
Sponsor: Federal Foreign Office, ZOiS