30 Years After the Fall of the Wall: Old and New Borders through the Lens of Research
Bernauer Str. 119
13355 Berlin
30 Years After the Fall of the Wall: Old and New Borders through the Lens of Research
Bernauer Str. 119
13355 Berlin
What do “phantom borders” in Berlin and elsewhere tell us about the social and political afterlife of vanished borders? How are borders thought and written about in Eastern Europe? Finally, the panellists will look to the youth generation and ask which border crossings are seen as desirable by young people in Eastern Europe today, and what kinds of new borders emerge as old ones are dismantled.
- Nina Frieß is a literary and cultural studies expert and researcher at ZOiS. Her current research project focuses on Russian-language literature in the post-Soviet space.
- Félix Krawatzek is a political scientist and senior researcher at ZOiS. His research explores the political mobilisation of young people, with a regional focus on Russia.
- Sabine von Löwis has a doctorate in economic and social geography. A researcher at ZOiS, she currently leads a project on microgeographies of conflict constellations in the southwestern post-Soviet space.
- Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse is the Director of ZOiS. Her research interests include political identities and conflicts in the post-Soviet space.
Cooperation partner
The event is part of the series ZOiS Forum.
The ZOiS Forum brings together academic, artistic, and political perspectives on the issues driving Eastern Europe today. Our aim is to make the significance and variety of our region of research accessible to a broad audience. Readings, discussions, presentations, and film screenings take place once a month during the semester.