Studying post-socialism. Do we need new concepts?
In this special edition of our podcast, an anthropologist, a historian and two political scientists discuss the usefulness of concepts such as ‚post-socialism‘, ‚post-communism‘ or ‚transition‘ with regard to their own research and from the perspective of their disciplines. What are the limits of these concepts? What are the political consequences of using them? And which alternative approaches could help to overcome some of the concerns that are being raised? The panel discussion was recorded at the Annual ZOiS conference in Berlin on 14 June 2019. The overall title of the conference was „30 Years since 1989: The Legacies of Post-Socialism“.
- Margarita Balmaceda (Seton Hall University)
- Juliane Fürst (ZZF Potsdam)
- Tatjana Thelen (Universität Wien)
- Moderation: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS)

Roundtable Osteuropa
Der Roundtable Osteuropa ist ein Podcast des ZOiS. Hier diskutieren Wissenschaftler*innen des ZOiS und Gäste über ihre Forschung zu Osteuropa. Dabei gehen wir auf aktuelle Ereignisse in Politik und Gesellschaft ein, versuchen aber auch, unbekanntere Themen zu beleuchten – mit Einblicken aus Soziologie, Politikwissenschaften, Geografie, Sozialanthropologie, Literaturwissenschaften und Theologie.