PechaKucha Night at ZOiS Annual Conference

ZOiS is inviting students working on their Master’s degree or doctorate to present their research in a PechaKucha-style presentation in English at the next ZOiS annual conference. The PechaKucha night will take place on 16 November at ZOiS.
In a PechaKucha presentation, presenters show 20 slides with images for 20 seconds each. We are reviving this format because it is an efficient and fun way to convey the key ideas of your research to a broad audience. At a reception following the presentations, participants will have the opportunity to network with the other presenters, researchers based at ZOiS and other academic institutions in the Berlin-Brandenburg area, and international scholars attending the conference. The audience will pick their three favourite presentations and the winners will receive prizes.
Master’s/PhD students enrolled at a German university can apply to participate by submitting a short CV and an abstract of their presentation in English to info(at)zois-berlin(dot)de by 1 October 2023 and will be notified of the acceptance/rejection of their application soon afterwards. We particularly encourage applications from people who are working on research in the social sciences and humanities related either to the key concepts explored at the 2023 ZOiS Annual Conference or to ZOiS research more generally. Applicants whose presentations have been accepted will receive guidance and support if needed. The slides must be submitted by 23 October. Costs for train travel and accommodation (if required) will be covered by ZOiS.