Protests, (Post-)Digital Activism and the Archive. #Minsk #Warsaw #Cairo
Protests, (Post-)Digital Activism and the Archive. #Minsk #Warsaw #Cairo
The terms “Twitter revolution”, or lately, in the case of Belarus: “Tele-gram revolution”, highlight the importance of social media platforms in processes of political mobilisation.
How distinctive is online activism from offline activism, and how do the two interact? Are we moving towards a new form of post-digital activism where blurred lines have become the norm? The panel will also reflect upon the role of digital technology beyond the moment of political mobilisation. Can digital technology function as an archive of protest in authoritarian contexts? What comes as a powerful and easi-ly accessible reminder of contention can also pose significant risks to the individuals involved in mobilisation.
- Lara Baladi is an Egyptian-Lebanese artist, archivist and educator, international-ly recognized for her multidisciplinary work, founder of the "Tahrir Archives".
- Dr. Aliaksandr Herasimenka is a postdoctoral researcher at the Programme on Democracy and Technology at the Oxford Internet Institute.
- Prof. Anna Nacher is Associate Professor at the Institute for Audiovisual Arts, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
- Moderation: Prof. Gwendolyn Sasse (Director of the Centre for East European and International Studies, Berlin)
Transsectoral DigitalLab: (Dis-)Assembling the (Post-)Digital Social
The event is part of the Viadrinicum summer school of 2021:
Transsectoral DigitalLab: (Dis-)Assembling the (Post-)Digital Social
a cooperation of Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), ZOiS and the European New School of Digital Studies (ens)
Viadrinicum is an annual summer school devoted to the countries of the Eastern Partnership, and the larger context of Central and Eastern Europe. This year‘s edition is designed as a transsectoral Digital - Lab, aiming to explore social and political dimensi - ons of digitalisation from multiple theoretical and methodological angles. With the help of academic seminars the school will allow its participants to critically engage with the notions of the digital self and the (post-)digital social, datafication and algo - rithmisation of life, as well as digital infrastructures and smart technologies. Besides that, the participants will be able to enhan - ce their practical and methodological skills in the framework of several project-oriented workshops.