ZOiS Forum in cooperation with Robert Bosch Academy

War, Memory, and Emotions: Decoding Europe's Responses to the War in Ukraine

Robert Bosch Academy
Französische Straße 32
10117 Berlin
ZOiS Forum in cooperation with Robert Bosch Academy

War, Memory, and Emotions: Decoding Europe's Responses to the War in Ukraine

Robert Bosch Academy
Französische Straße 32
10117 Berlin

Panel Discussion with Jean P. Froehly (Auswärtiges Amt), Samuel Greene (CEPA; King's College London), Karolina Wigura (Kultura Liberalna), and Félix Krawatzek (ZOiS)

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.

Das zum Jahrestag des russischen Angriffs auf die Ukraine aufgestellte Panzerwrack vor der Botschaft Russlands in Berlin. IMAGO / Fotoagentur Nordlicht

The return of war to Europe has deeply affected its people, stirring up strong emotions and memories of the past. As images and stories of the Russian invasion of Ukraine flooded the media, Europeans were forced to grapple with their continent's troubled history. Politicians, journalists, and commentators quickly drew parallels with the Second World War, adding emotional weight to the situation. Each European nation responded differently, with Germany reflecting on its role as aggressor during World War II, while countries like Poland and Hungary viewed the crisis through the lens of historical victimhood. The 2023 Israel-Hamas war further underlines the importance of historical narratives across all of Europe in shaping political and social reactions to the conflict.

The emotions aroused by the war have significant implications for public sentiment, media narratives, and political decisions. They raise questions about how historical memories shape responses to crises and affect inter-country relations in a continent known for championing peace and unity. This panel discussion aims to explore the complex interplay of war, memory, and emotions in Europe, examining their influence on politics, national responses, and the continent's future.


  • Jean P. Froehly, Leiter der Taskforce der Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 im Auswärtiges Amt, ehemaliger Leiter des Ukraine-Referats im Auswärtigen Amt
  • Samuel Greene, Director of Democratic Resilience at CEPA; Professor of Russian Politics at King's College London
  • Karolina Wigura, political editor of Kultura Liberalna, Poland’s leading online political and cultural weekly
  • Chair: Félix Krawatzek (ZOiS)

In Kooperation mit


Anja Krüger

Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der Reihe ZOiS Forum.

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